3.5. yaVDR services

The proper function of yaVDR requires certain programs to run in the background (as services). Others are only required temporary, e.g. to run a program with certain priviliges.

3.5.1. Upstart

Upstart is one of the most important system services in yaVDR. It is responsible to start other programs. This is e.g. the VDR itself, but also services for the remote control, for openbox, and many more.

The command below prints a list of entries that are maintained by Upstart: 

initctl list

The following commands control services. They may get important if you like to change your system manually: 

sudo start <service>   1
sudo stop <service>    2
sudo restart <service> 3
sudo status <service>  4


starts a service


stops a service


restarts a service (usually an acronym for stop followed by an immediate start)


displays the status of a service (whether or not it is active right now)


The following examples explain how to control services in yaVDR. They can be easily tranferred to other services like e.g. openbox, vdr-frontend or lircd.

starts VDR. 

sudo start vdr

stops VDR. 

sudo stop vdr

restarts VDR. 

sudo restart vdr

displays the status of the VDR service. 

sudo status vdr

starts eventlircd. 

sudo start eventlircd

stops eventlircd. 

sudo stop eventlircd

restarts eventlircd. 

sudo restart eventlircd

displays the status of the eventlircd service. 

sudo status eventlircd

3.5.2. NFS

yaVDR comes along with a pre-configured NFS server that publishs the multimedia directories to the network. In addition, they will be announced via Avahi. This allows another computer with yaVDR 0.5 via the integrated Avahi mounter to e.g. identify all recording directories of all computers with yaVDR >= Version 0.4 in your network and link them to the correct location.

The Avahi mounter can also mount directories from NAS or other computers. All you need to do is entering the path to the network share in the Web Frontend and saving the configuration. After a reboot, this new network share should be mounted automatically.

Further directories can be shared via the /etc/exports configuration file. The Ubuntuuser wiki hosts a great article about NFS, which explains it well also for beginners.

3.5.3. Samba

Samba replicates the printer and file system shares that are known from Windows. This protocol is well supported in nearly all operation systems. Thus, it is well suited to access the multimedia directories of the yaVDR from Windows, OS X or Linux systems.

The configuration files are located in /etc/samba/smb.conf. The pre-defined shares of the yaVDR are tied in (via "include" lines):

  • /etc/samba/smb.conf.yavdr.audio for audio files
  • /etc/samba/smb.conf.yavdr.custom for user-defined shares
  • /etc/samba/smb.conf.yavdr.picture for pictures
  • /etc/samba/smb.conf.yavdr.recordings for recordings
  • /etc/samba/smb.conf.yavdr.video for videos

You can specify your own, additional share in the smb.conf.yavdr.custom file. How the entry needs to be speficied and which options are available is described in the wiki articles for the Samba server and for smb.conf configuration file at http://www.ubuntuusers.de.